There are many instances in which someone can get a case of PTSD. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can be caused by a miriad of things. War, Rape, being involved in a car, truck, semi, bus, bicycle accident, and much more. Even just witnessing a traumatic event can cause PTSD. The brain is a wonderful thing, However it can also be not so wonderful at times. This website intends to provide links to other websites which have information dealing with PTSD. It is intended to help people as well as friends and family learn about this debilitationg condition, disorder, or disease as referred to as by the American Psychological Association in 1980 when they recognized it as a diagnosable condition.
There will be Good Days, OK Days, Bad Days, and Very Bad days. Know where you are, there are workbook journals for women and men so you can keep track of your days. Symptom & Trigger Tracking, Anxiety & Mood Trackers, Worksheets, Quotes, Mindfulness Exercises, Gratitude Prompts and more. You can find them on Amazon. Search Amazon for PTSD Journals, Or click the link below.
PTSD information -- by -- MAYO CLINIC, VeteranRehab.Org, National Institute of Medical Health, Veterans Administration, National Alliance on Mental Illness, National Library of Medicine.
National Institute of Medical Health
National Alliance on Mental Illness
What is PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder...by American Psychiatric Association
moreIt is said that you have to be strong to cry.
By the graces of GOD I am still here on earth able to spend more time with my family and friends. I'll give you guys the full story another time right now im trying to get help to others. Once the website is completed I may give visitors a chance to share their stories and create a blog or just post their story for them.
Thank you and God Bless
Our intentions are to help others suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
As they say "Sharing Is Caring" Most Humans Understand This.
"Even in times of trauma, we try to maintain a sense of normality until we no longer can. That, my friends, is called surviving. Not healing. We never become whole again, we are survivors. If you are here today, you are a survivor." But those of us who have made it thru hell and are still standing? We bare a different name: Warriors." Lori Goodwin
"We tend to take a great deal for granted, because you feel like you're going to live forever. "It's only if you lose a friend, or maybe have a near-death experience, [that] many events and people in your life suddenly attain real significance." Brandon Lee
"Experience is the hardest kind of teacher. It gives you test first and the lesson afterward." Oscar Wilde