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to help calm


Headphones or Earbuds

Close your eyes and try to blank out the world around you.

Remember...Deep Breaths to Relax.

You may want to try a Vegal Nerve reset

Lie flat on back, lace fingers behind head, without turning your head, look to the left as far as you can, stay until you yawn or swallow, repeat other side.






Here is a quote from one of the solfeggio listeners from the 417 Hz Ambient Music


I have never met you, we will probably never meet. But, you've found my comment. Take this as your sign that things will get better, that things will be alright, that you can get through this. Whatever troubles bring you here, or if you're here simply to relax and unwind, remember that you are important, you are valid, and that you have a right to be here. You are stronger than you know. You're still here, trying to make things better and to live a better life. Whatever is keeping you up at night, it is not stronger than you. You can get through this. I don't know you. You can dismiss this as the meaningless words of a stranger, or you can believe me. Whatever you choose, I believe in you. Put your hand over your heart. Take a deep breath. It might have been a tough day, but you made it. Tomorrow will be a new day.