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Phases of PTSD

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Five Phases or Stages of PTSD

List of Phases | Stages
  • Impact or Emergency Stage
  • Denial/ Numbing Stage
  • Rescue Stage (including Intrusive or Repetitive stage)
  • Short-term Recovery or Intermediate Stage
  • Long-term reconstruction or recovery stage


Impact or Emergency Stage

The first phase of PTSD is the impact phase. This usually occurs after the person has personally experienced or witnessed a traumatic event. How long the impact stage lasts depends on the severity of the event – the more traumatic the incident, the longer the impact.


Denial/ Numbing Stage

In this stage, people suffering from PTSD will do their best to protect or numb themselves through denial that the event occurred. Avoiding difficult emotions through denial is the mind's way of ensuring it isn't hurt any further by eliminating the high stress and anxiety that it is feeling.


Rescue Stage (including Intrusive or Repetitive stage)

This stage can include returning to the site of the trauma, including returning to a home following a bushfire or natural disaster. It involves acknowledging what has happened but also includes continuing to deal with the initial shock and distress.


Short-term Recovery or Intermediate Stage

The intermediate recovery phase is characterized by one's adjusting and returning to “normal” life again. Once the individual has fulfilled his or her basic safety and survival needs—which is often difficult after one has experienced this high level of trauma—they can begin to cater to other needs that emerge


Long-term reconstruction or recovery stage

The name makes it clear that the reconstruction phase of PTSD is when the person is coping with the personal aftermath of the incident. When a person moves into this phase, they may experience feelings of fear, extreme sadness, and resentment. They may also worry about their future.